PO Box 223, Elmwood Park, New Jersey 07407

Clifton, Clifton, New Jersey 07013


Furnace Repair, Installation and Maintenance in Elmwood Park & Clifton

D & J Plumbing and Heating provides well-trained technicians and state-of-the-art equipment to install or replace furnaces in residential homes. Our technicians can inspect ductwork and other heating components and make recommendations to ensure you get the most out of your new furnace, and we treat our customers like family members to give you high quality service. We are passionate about our work and do our best to exceed the expectations of our customers. Whether you need to install a new furnace or replace an existing furnace. We can answer your questions and determine the most beneficial and cost-effective course of action for your situation so your home stays warm and comfortable during the winter.

While your old furnace may have a decent AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating, the newer models can get up to 95% AFUE. This means that ninety–five percent of the fuel burned is actually converted to usable heat, which can save a lot of energy and money on heating costs. With our friendly and knowledgeable technicians who treat you like family, you can get quality assistance with your home furnace needs in Elmwood Park & Clifton New Jersey.